

December 2023 – 2024-2025 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) available for completion

May 1 - FAFSA的优先申请截止日期

December 1 - FAFSA优先申请截止日期(仅限春季学生) 

LCCC的学院代码是 006810


Millions of students around the country receive financial aid every year from the U.S. 教育部. 看看你是否有资格获得经济援助, 你必须完成联邦学生援助免费申请, 也被称为FAFSA. 

你必须在网上填写FAFSA 联邦学生资助 web page. If you need help completing the form, our Office of Financial Aid is happy to assist you. 



  • 主校区-每周一至周四上午8点提供上门服务.m. to 5:30 p.m. 周五中午至下午4:30.m. 
  • Morgan Center, Allentown – Schedule an appointment Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
  • Donley Center, Tamaqua – FAFSA Completion workshops are available Mondays 10 to 11 a.m. 星期三下午1点 到2点.m.  请登记 online 



  • 你的 和你父母的 FSA ID 
  • 我们强烈建议您创建一个 FSA ID, which is a username and password combination that allows you to sign your FAFSA 电子表单. Your FSA ID also can be used to sign loan contracts and to access certain information online. 当你得到你的 FSA ID 当你完成 FAFSA 形式,提前得到它,用它来开始你的 FAFSA 表单 减少了错误和延迟. 
  •  Your Social Security number (it’s important that you enter it correctly on the FAFSA form) 
  • 你父母的社会安全号码,如果你是 依赖学生 
  • 你的驾驶执照号码(如果你有的话) 
  • 你的外国人登记号码(如果你不是美国公民).S. citizen) 
  • 联邦税务信息 或纳税申报表, 包括国税局的W-2信息, 给你(和你的配偶), if you are married) and for your parents (if you are a 依赖学生)
  • Irs 1040 1040a 1040ez 
  • 国外纳税申报表(如适用)  
  • 波多黎各,关岛,美属萨摩亚,美国.S. Virgin Islands, the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, or Palau, if applicable  
  • 你的免税收入记录, 如收到子女抚养费, interest income, 以及退伍军人的非教育福利, 你和你的父母(如果你是一个独立的学生) 
  • 有关现金的资料, 储蓄和支票账户余额, investments including stocks and bonds and real estate (but not including the home in which you live), and business and farm assets 你和你的父母(如果你是一个独立的学生)

你必须带上上面列出的所有必要资料, 否则你将无法完成你的申请.

FAQs a关于财政援助和资源 


Most 财政援助计划要求 至少有半场出勤率 (每学期6-11学分). 部分资金要求全日制出勤(12学分或以上). Some limited federal funding is available to students who are enrolled less than half time (fewer 超过6学分) ,也有资格获得佩尔 Grant. 学生入学时间少于一半(fewer than 6 credits) during any semester will not be eligible for a student loan. 


The 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) will determine what aid you may be eligible to receive. Financial aid is available to citizens or eligible non-citizens who are matriculated students and are considered to be degree seeking. You 一定能证明吗 you 高中毕业了还是 通过了 GED 需要考虑的考试. If in doubt, it is best to apply and find out what you may be eligible to receive. 


A 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) must be completed and submitted to the federal government as soon after January 1 as possible. 你必须通过FAFSA 联邦学生资助 web page. The application will determine your eligibility for federal and state aid. 申请确实需要四到六周的时间来处理, 所以尽快完成申请. Remember to list 利哈伊碳社区学院 on your FAFSA so that your information is sent to our Office of Financial Aid. LCCC的校号是006810. Visit our forms 浏览更多信息.  


  • 下一学年(秋季和春季)的5月1日 
  • 12月1日为春季(1月)学期 
  • 3月1日为夏季班 


提供经济援助以支付学费, fees, books, 其他与教育有关的费用, 比如交通. If the financial aid applied to your invoice is more than the costs for your tuition and fees, 你可能会得到 书店信贷 to be used in the college bookstore at the beginning of each semester. Any excess funds remaining on your account after the completion of the drop period will be refunded to you for that term. 


令人满意的学业进展 refers to a requirement by federal regulation which states that a student must be making progress toward completion of their degree requirements. This progress is measured both in terms of the cumulative grade point average (GPA) and the number of credits completed toward the degree during each period of attendance at the college. Progress requirements are applied to all students who are presently receiving financial aid, 不管他们在前几个学期是否获得过资助. 
一般来说,GPA不会低于2分.奖学金一经申请,不予延长s attendance exceeds the equivalent of six full-time semesters for a two-year associate degree. 一个学生的学业进步会受到很大的影响没有完成一门课程 their 退出课程. 你可以找到更多关于学业进步政策的信息 here 


  • 佩尔助学金:根据需要发放的联邦助学金. 这笔钱不需要偿还. 
  • Pennsylvania State Grant: Grant awarded to Pennsylvania residents on the basis of need and the cost of the institution the student is attending. 这笔钱不需要偿还. 
  • 杂项补助金:从外部来源收到的资金. These grants will be applied to the student’s account as dictated by the awarding organization. 
  • Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): A federal grant awarded to Pell recipients as funding is available. 这笔钱不需要偿还.  
  • Direct Loan Program: Federally funded loans that enable a student to borrow money at a low interest rate to cover educational expenses. 
  • Direct Plus Loans: Federal loan that enables a parent to borrow money toward the cost of a child’s education. 
  • Work Study: Allows students to work on campus and collect payment for the hours they have worked. 工资直接付给学生. 



  • You were awarded up to the cost of attendance and are subsequently awarded a state grant. The state grant will be applied to your account, leaving you less to repay on your student loan.  
  • You drop a class, but some class enrollment remains during the first three weeks of the semester. The Office of Financial Aid is required by law to reduce your financial aid based on the number of credits in the remaining classes. 这意味着你可能欠学校钱. 
  • You completed a total withdrawal at any point during the semester. Your aid is prorated based on the amount of time you spent in class. After the financial aid is prorated, you may owe money to the college. 
  • Your instructors reported that you stopped attending classes before the official end of the semester. Your aid is prorated to that last date of attendance and your financial aid is adjusted. After the financial aid is adjusted, you may owe money to the college. 

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at 610-799-1133 or finaid@mymail.glenviewelectric.com. 


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